Reduction Print Third Color

Reduction Print Third Color

After several days of updating website code because of security vulnerabilities, I am now back to my latest print. The third color is the blue sky background, and it involved a lot of cutting away of the block that would remain green. Green makes up most of the leafy area of the tree, so there were many many small cuts that took several hours (three evenings) to finally finish.

Today, I encountered a little bit of a problem producing the actual color necessary for the sky. The original picture was a very rich blue, and the color on the screen was much richer than anything I could produce in pigment, so I struggled more than usual to find the right color. In the end, I did the best approximation I could, realizing that pigment will never quite represent a color made of light. The most important thing was getting the contrast right between the three colors - yellow, green, and blue. As you can see from the plate, the color rolled out looks much different when it is printed on white paper with other colors surrounding it.

Here's the rolled color, the inked plate, and the print now with three colors: