Reduction Print Second Installment

Reduction Print Second Installment

Today I printed the second color of my latest reduction linocut. It's taking me a while to carve out the first few colors because of the hundreds (thousands?) of tiny areas of color that need to be represented. I also took some time to decide whether to print green or blue as the next color since both of them have the same lightness value. I decided to print the light green first so that I can layer the blue over it instead of over the yellow. Blue tends to be a transparent color (ink and paint), and although I will be mixing it with titanium white - which should make it completely opaque - I didn't want to chance yellow as a bleed-through color. Blue over a pastel green would be less likely to come out "greenish" than blue over yellow.

It's always odd to see the first few colors taking up so much of the print area knowing they won't take up nearly as much in the final version of the print. But it's fun to watch the image develop. Here are images of the ink, the plate, and the print with the first two colors: