A Need to Share: New Turin Brakes Video


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I know I do it. A lot. I go on and on and on about Turin Brakes. But in my defense, they are likely the most underrated band ever, and I feel compelled to protect their amazing music from becoming lost to the world forever. That being said... with their personal release today of a new song and video, I feel that needing to remind people of the genius of Turin Brakes may not continue to be necessary (although I will continue to do it).

The new song is actually a cover of a Talk Talk song, "Ascension Day." As usual, Turin Brakes have made a cover that is true to the music and feeling of the original, but have boiled it down to its essence in a way that only they can. One (sharp, unforgiving, honest) voice. One (crisp, heart-wrenching, perfect) guitar. And you may never want to hear the original again because now you know exactly what it COULD HAVE sounded like.

But that's not the only thing to talk about here. There is a new and brilliant collaboration in the world of Turin Brakes. One that you should have seen coming if you follow them on Twitter (@the_real_TB). The collaboration is with filmmaker Philip Bloom who created the video for Ascension Day. The stripped-down rawness of the music has received its quintessential visual representation. I expected no less after seeing several still photos of the video shoot before I even heard the song. Now that I've experienced it as a whole, all I have to say is, this is a video that takes no prisoners. Starkly beautiful, desperately intimate, and with teeth-clenching intensity, it gives you nowhere to hide. I almost had to cover my eyes to shield myself from the honesty of it.

And now I'll let you decide how you feel about it. And I wager that you WILL feel SOMETHING.

Turin Brakes: Ascension Day from Philip Bloom on Vimeo.

I know I do it. A lot. I go on and on and on about Turin Brakes. But in my defense, they are likely the most underrated band ever, and I feel compelled to protect their amazing music from becoming lost to the world forever. That being said...


I disagree about feeling ANYTHING. While the video looks quite nice it's indicative of a lot of "DSLR filmmakers" in that it's all pretty pictures and no real story. Otherwise it's nice to look at as it goes by but then forgettable.

I got excited thinking this was a video about a new brake system for TT Bikes….. *sigh*

just found them on www.nothingbuthopeandpassion.com - love them!

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