December 2012

I've been drawing, but I've been slacking in daily postings - mostly due to holiday slacking. Here are my most recent two daily drawings. At some point I promise to do more with my new pens - hoping to work with different size lines and some stipple in the future (if my patience holds out).

I got a new set of pens from my husband for Xmas - it's a 9-piece Koh-I-Noor Rapidograph pen set the nib sizes range from teeny-tiny to huge (.13mm to 1.2mm). And the best thing about them is THEY WORK. Using these pens is like drawing a dream line. (Compared to my old Rapidograph pen that only produced an ink-flow when it wanted to.) I've only used two of them so far - the .3mm and the .25mm but I love them and I worry that, as an artist, I'll never be worthy of having a pen set like this.

Today (well, actually yesterday) I decide to go back to drawing pain. This drawing is what my shoulder injury feels like. I don't have a clue what the MRI showed, but this is what I think is wrong.

Today's drawing was similar to yesterday's in that I drew some random ink lines on the page and went with whatever conformed to those lines. It wasn't as successful in my opinion but I don't have time to do another one tonight.

I haven't written a blog about the "everyday" in a long time, but I've decided that 2012 was a year that had a lot more in it than just my triathloning. It's been difficult for me to look back and find good things because most of my goals ended up by the wayside (again, talking athletic). However, today, I found a lot of good things about 2012 while doing a quick reminiscing in the car on the way to work this morning just in case today actually IS the apocalypse.

This was the most stream-of-consciousness drawing yet since I started the daily drawing series. I didn't have any specific thoughts at the start - I just drew some light lines on the page and went with it from there. All pen, so I had to incorporate all the original lines - no erasing could take care of it. The problem area was the bottom left - I didn't know exactly how to bring it all together so I just sent the tail-like thing behind the main object. (Poor planning - but it was just a sketch, right?)

I drew this today after going through yet another disappointment. It seems like every time I drag myself back up onto my feet, I get thwacked back down. This drawing is what it feels like to be down and considering staying down.

Today's drawing has something to do with all the pain I'm having in my legs from trying to shock myself back into training (mostly running) after the downtime during our all-nighters to get the museum's new website up and running. And my shoulder is still causing pain at random times (for instance, during both running and sleeping).

Today my motivation to draw hit the lowest point since I started the Daily Drawing series. My energy and focus today has been affected by nine days of non-stop work, very little (and fitful) sleep, trying to get back into training, applying for sponsorship for 2013, wine, and watching the concert for Hurricane Sandy relief. So I started this drawing and finally just gave up because I didn't really like the way it was going.

Today I felt completely tied down and strangled. I've been panicking regularly while working about 12-14 hours per day to launch a new website and it finally went live but with little fanfare as I still have an extremely large amount of work to do to get everything working the way it should. My head hurts and my hands hurt and that's what went into this drawing.

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