Blogs tagged with "photography"

When I qualified to race in the 2014 ITU Age Group World Championship in Edmonton, Alberta, I decided to go for two reasons. At the time (August 2013), I thought my long-distance racing days were over and Olympic-distance would be my future - that is, if I could run without pain. The other reason, perhaps even more important to me, was that it would finally put me in striking distance of the Canadian Rockies and Jasper National Park.
Why was this so important? You ask..

Most of you may already know I work in the marketing department at Cleveland Metroparks Zoo. My main responsibilities include the Zoo's website and social media presence, photography and video. If you love animals, working for a Zoo is a reward in and of itself. But all jobs have their issues. I could tell you a million things that are stressful in trying to market a Zoo, and both zoo and non-zoo fans could probably guess many of them.

I hadn't planned on blogging camera reviews, but my new camera, the

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