Blogs tagged with "drawing"

I started this drawing thinking about trains (after listening to a song involving a train), but I couldn't stay focused and it all went to hell from the top down and it was done when I finally ran out of ink.

As of today, out of the blue, during my run, I had pain in my right leg resembling that of a stress fracture. I should know, I've had five. This drawing is what it feels like.

One whimsical (although my husband used the term "disturbing"), and the other one of my hip pain that flared up during my run today. I called the first one "Finger Lake" (silly I know).

This is what it feels like

Feeling up against a wall - in life and in sport. I guess this is what it looks like in my mind's eye. I drew it in about 45 minutes (fast) and with a bigger pen tip (.3mm) than what I've been using lately (.25mm)

I went swimming yesterday for the first time in about five weeks. I drew this last night.

I tried to be more whimsical with my last drawing of 2012 - drew it yesterday while waiting for friends to arrive for our New Year's Eve gathering.

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